Food to eat with IVF Treatment

“Finally you can see your dream of having a child turning into reality, so your primary role now is to take care of the baby in the womb. Here we list top 10 foods that will help you out to keep fit during pregnancy and deliver healthy child after infertility treatment,” says Dr A Suresh Kumar, renowned infertility specialist, Ashoka Superspeciality Hospital , Raipur Chhattisgarh.

“In first 12 weeks of pregnancy your baby brain and spinal cord need special attention. Folic acid is all about Vitamin B which rule supreme in the multivitamin box . Folic acid along with Vitamin B12 helps genes and cells to develop and grow efficiently. Chances of neural- tube defects can be reduced by taking some extra folic acid. Folic acid intake should be started three months [prior of getting pregnant ” adds Dr A Suresh.

Here we list 10 folic-acid food not to ditch during pregnancy.

1.  Potatoes- A common household ingredient can be taken easily remembering that white carbohydrate can max out blood-sugar levels.

2. Spinach- Leafy vegetables are always advisable, but consuming them during pregnancy is good idea specially spinach which is rich in folate

3. Fresh Peas-  A good option to entertain in many dishes, cheap and versatile.

4. Citrus fruits- Limited daily intake of orange juice is good option. Other citrus fruits can also be tried.
5. Cereals – Cornflakes in breakfast is wonderful start for the day.

6. Bananas- Half a banana a day is best

7. Peanuts – Calculated amount of peanuts intake is healthy

8. Broccoli – Steam it to keep the nutrient quotient intact

9. Tofu – A great source of folic acid

10.Pork and poultry – Occasionally eaten meat is good to eat during pregnancy


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