Complication in infertility treatment?

If you are undergoing an infertility treatment and have found significant increase in your weight in duration of two-three days or have difficulty in breathing or urinating then it might be possible that you are suffering from OHSS. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is one of the most common complications of infertility treatment. Renowned IVF expert& Gynecologist- Dr Manoj Chellani, Director, Aayush ICSI Test Tube Baby Center helps you to understand the details which can assist if you facing such problem and the preventive measures which you should take.

Dr Manoj Chellani says “This syndrome usually occurs in women undergoing IVF, although it may rarely be seen in women taking injectable medications for an IUI cycle as well. OHSS most frequently occurs 5 to 10 days after the injection of HCG to prepare you for egg retrieval, though some women may experience symptoms a little earlier. Women with OHSS have an increase in fluid leaking from the blood capillaries causing symptoms that range from bloating to nausea to swelling of the abdomen. On rare occasions, women have to be hospitalized when symptoms are more severe.


·         Weight gain (more than 5 pounds in 2 to 3 days)
·         Persistent nausea and/or vomiting
·         Abdominal pain
·         Abdominal distension or swelling
·         Difficulty breathing or urinating

Classifying the severity of symptoms

Depending on the symtoms & the laboratory findings OHSS can be classified as mild, moderate or severe. One out of three women have some symptoms of mild OHSS when they have controlled ovarian stimulation during IVF cycles. These symptoms include abdominal bloating and nausea and weight gain due to fluid retention (when fluid is not removed from the body tissues). These same symptoms are worse in women with moderate OHSS. Women with severe OHSS usually have vomiting and cannot keep down liquids. They have an increase in discomfort from distention (swelling) of the abdomen (belly). In the worst cases, they can develop shortness of breath. Ovary size is also used as a marker of OHSS. If you have symptoms, a transvaginal ultrasound can be done to measure ovary size.


Dr Manoj Chellani explains that mild to moderate OHSS is treatable. Usually the amount of fluids you are taking in and how much urine you are putting out is monitored and medicines for nausea works. Severe OHSS is treated in the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor will give you an IV (intravenous hydration), medicines for nausea, watch you closely and may remove fluid from your abdomen. Other supportive therapy may be given as needed.

 Preventive measures
Along with consulting the expert you can also takes some preventive measures. In case of mild OHSS avoid sexual intercourse,do not have a vaginal (pelvic) exam by expert physicians,reduce activities, no heavy lifting, straining or exercise and drink clear fluids, flat coke, ginger ale, cranberry juice, Gatorade .For moderate OHSS do not forget to record your weight twice daily and the number of times you urinate each day. Also get an ultrasound done by some expert physician.

“The best treatment for OHSS is prevention. Begin weighing yourself each morning when you begin treatment. If you notice any unusual weight gain or any of the other above symptoms, notify your physician immediately. In most cases, if OHSS is diagnosed quickly, progression to the severe form can be prevented” adds Dr Manoj Chellani.

After ovum pick up and embryo transfer, if you experience discomfort, pain in abdomen, retention of urine then inform your gynecologist immediately.OHSS can be prevented by given ovulation, inducing drugs in appropriate doses. Higher doses causes OHSS, regular follicular monitory should be done.Antagonist protocol reduces chances of OHSS.


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